
I have been meaning to create my own Blog for some time now....Finally, I have gone ahead and made the leap. I have been writing for 6 years on Facebook's Notes section and have created a bit of a following.

My Goal is to entertain and inform at the same time, while espousing my personal view of the world and how I see things.

The majority of my writing will be about Sports and Politics, with the occasional delve into other hot topics of the day, including movies and the rare Pop Culture reference here and there...


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hudak, Horwath and for the WYNNE! Ontario Election Lacks Real Leaders

They had a televised debate today and they all just seemed to come off looking worse for it


I have mentioned it before but I will say it again here: We have no real leaders in our 3 main political parties in Ontario. We have a woman in Kathleen Wynne who is trying to remain as the Premier who we, the people, did NOT vote in as Premier (having inherited the job from Dalton Mc-Liar when he resigned/retired over a year ago), we have a man in Tim Hudak who should have won the last election but didn’t because of several asinine comments regarding education funding (now he just wants to start cutting until he hits the bone instead) and then we have Andrea Horwath, who propped up the Fiberals for so long that when the election campaign started, it took her nearly 2 full weeks after the other parties had released their platforms to remember to follow suit.

None of these 3 are dripping with the kind of leadership qualities and charisma that we look for and see when we think of a true leader. We look over at President Obama and dream of the changes he wanted to implement before the weight of the office and those in power who enjoy the status quo conspired to put shackles on him that even he didn’t see coming.

He came in with such promise but has been bogged down by an unexpected quiet racism in Capitol Hill which has paralyzed his administrations ability to make the changes he promised

There isn’t a single candidate out there right now in any provincial riding that you would look at and say, “That is a person who I believe will protect the interests of the people over his own.” That sentiment may be the by-product of the cynicism of our times towards politicians but when we are faced with financial crisis and municipal politicians, provincial politicians and Federal ones all vote themselves pay increases, what does that tell the general public about what these people think of first?

To me, a real politician is someone who respects that we work hard for each and every dollar we earn and tries to find ways to cut back the amount of money a government spends. At the same time, they are willing to spend on things that are for the greater good (Education, Health Care, Infrastructure, etc.) while ensuring that each and every one of us lives in a safe environment (Low crime rates, terrorists, war as well as clean water and air), and from corporate greed which perpetuates itself in many different ways (from toxic dumping to using below grade materials, basically cutting corners to both cut costs and earn them more money while paying their front line staff next to nothing).

Clearly there is absolutely no one who exhibits all of these traits in the current election. Scary to think that we have no one in our entire political system who we would say even exhibits half of these traits. Hell, if you think about it, Rob Ford got into office and still has a huge amount of support simply because he is a strong voice on cutting government waste (his “Gravy-Train quote we always hear) and his belief in a REAL subway system for this city which would have tremendous benefits to our environment.

You know we are in trouble politically when this guy has more charisma then any of our bland provincial leaders do

It’s clear that we are destined to be led by someone who lacks any real leadership traits or characteristics. Unfortunately, given the way the polls are looking, the next Premier might just end up being that Snake Oil Salesmen, Tim Hudak. The same man who thinks it’s a good idea to float Education platform ideas out to the public (like he did in the last election) to test their merit before back tracking and now opting to go in the exact opposite direction in this election.

Hudak’s main premise this election is his contention that he would somehow magically pull out of his ass 1 million jobs that this province “Desperately Needs” yet at the same time he wants to cut 100,000 civil service jobs. So then is he going to create 1.1 million jobs? Or is it a net 900,000 jobs he plans to bring in? And what kind of time period are we looking at here in terms of bringing these magical jobs back to this province which are not here now? Are they full time jobs? Part Time? Minimum Wage? Seasonal? Please explain why it’s better to cut into the middle class yet again (because that is where the bulk of these jobs lie), take out that many people from their jobs helping people (because, you know they only help the poorest of the province which is of no real benefit to his buddies in the Corporations who are in “DIRE NEED” of these tax breaks he wants to implement), erode the tax base of the province at the same time and create even longer wait times for people looking to get their basic necessities taken care of. What a great plan!

The man looked so slimy during the debate today, I still don't know how anyone could vote for him
For someone who was raised Catholic to show such little regard for other people makes you wonder about his moral compass. Was it skewed by his time working for Wal-Mart? Or was it from his time earning a FREE education at the University of Washington? (I checked, he did both of these. Maybe THAT’S where he got his financial ideas from?! His US apprenticeship where he learned that its survival of the fittest). Or maybe it was destroyed in the time he spent listening to his Wife who was a senior advisor to former Premier, Mike Harris, whose deep cuts led us to elect Dalton Mc-Liar in his wake.

Not that Wynne is any better. She has clearly squandered her chance at showing she was a leader when she tried to hide behind semantics with regards to the cancelled Misississauga/Oakville Gas Power Plant which cost the province $1 Billion (and counting). Add to that the fact that she could very well be charged if it is found that she tampered with evidence (ordered documents destroyed and computer hard drives erased in order to protect her former boss, Mc-Liar) and you have the exact face of a politician that no one can trust.

Our only hope would be to have Andrea Horwath win enough votes to become a true “King-maker” in the sense that neither Hudak nor Wynne would have enough to garner a Majority Government. With the way things are shaping up right now and how none of us seems to be able to find any one person they really want to follow, this scenario could play out. A PC minority with an NDP party propping them up might be just what the doctor ordered as at the very least, Horwath could act as a moral conscience to the morally lacking Hudak.

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